Ranking Every TV Show of 2023: #s 65-51

We’re ranking every TV show that we watched in 2023. If you missed yesterday’s initial installments, you can find them at the following links:
65. Lupin (Netflix, Season 3; 2021 rank: 63 of 108). Shows about thieves are automatically appealing, and Lupin still sports an engaging lead performance from Omar Sy. But while the premise of a master of disguise constantly thwarting his pursuers would seem well-suited for a sprawling TV series (just who will he pretend to be next??), Lupin shows signs of strain. This new season’s insistence on retconning its backstory—our heroic burglar was once sheltered by a manipulative crime lord, and also turns out his mother is still alive!—suggests a gimmick that’s running out of ways to reinvent itself, and whose time-hopping has grown stale. Many of the set pieces remain satisfying, and Sy’s charisma is boundless. But even his character would struggle to break through the show’s pervasive formula. Read More