Ranking Every Movie of 2024 (sort of)

Last week, we exhaustively ranked and wrote about every TV show we watched in 2024. Today, we’re doing the same thing with movies—but not really. I spend most weeks reviewing individual films in detail, so beyond publicizing yesterday’s Top 20 list, I’m not undertaking some massive cinematic year-in-review project. Instead, this annual exercise is more designed to serve as a personal recordkeeping function, allowing me to memorialize all of the 2024 releases that I watched and to assign them relative levels of caliber—not in the form of a literal ranking, but by dividing them into qualitative tiers.
What do you get out of this? In theory, two things. First, for each movie listed, I’m including a parenthetical detailing which streaming service it’s currently available on, if any. (Obviously this information is subject to change, especially given the parsimonious whims of our studio overlords, but it’s accurate as of today.) Second, if you ever find yourself asking the age-old question, “What movie should I watch tonight?” then in theory this piece gives you a hefty bank of data, allowing you to make an informed decision rather than just surrendering to the almighty algorithm. Read More