The Best Movies of 2010 (Part II)
If you missed Part I of this list, you can check it out here. Moving right along, here are the Manifesto’s Top 10 Movies of 2010:
10. Fair Game. As befits a film based on books by Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, Doug Liman’s political thriller is overtly partisan, bristling with outrage from its authors and scorn for the Bush White House. Politics aside, however, Fair Game is a canny, invigorating piece of muckraking cinema. Tightly plotted, crisply edited (remember, Liman made the first and best Bourne picture), and laden with verisimilitude, the movie swiftly and efficiently paints a portrait of both a country in turmoil and a marriage in crisis. Naomi Watts is typically sharp as outed CIA operative Plame, but it’s Sean Penn who provides the film’s real force. Bringing his considerable talent to bear, Penn portrays Wilson as part righteous firebrand, part weary husband, a confident, decent man lashing out at the institutions who have failed him. Fair Game may inspire heated reactions (perhaps if anyone actually saw it), but it’s a reminder that hushed conversations and shadowy figures can form the backdrop for a movie as gripping as any blockbuster. Read More