Ranking Every TV Show of 2024: #s 50-41

As the headline suggests, we’re continuing to rank every TV show of 2024. For previous installments, check out the following links:
50. Creatures Commandos (Max, Season 1). I’m not a superhero fanboy, but I’m weirdly in the tank for James Gunn, having thoroughly enjoyed all three of his Guardians of the Galaxy movies, along with Peacemaker and his Suicide Squad reboot. Still, we’re getting dangerously close to oversaturation (need some Gunn control amirite), and on the surface, Creature Commandos—an animated series that follows a handful of lesser-known DC villains as they team up and save the world or whatever—feels a bit like grist for the content mill. But while the cartoonish mayhem can be perfunctory, there’s a surprising depth of character here; Gunn is a gifted writer who’s able to briskly humanize his freakish antiheroes, as well as provide them with a stream of quips. He also understands television, which is why each episode centers on a specific member of the titular tribe; I know critics are supposed to groan about backstory, but the concise flashbacks here are more affecting than the story proper. Creature Commandos may just be intellectual property, but that doesn’t mean it lacks intelligence. Read More