Best Documentary Feature

No End in Sight*

Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience*


Taxi to the Dark Side*

War Dance*

Will win: Obviously I’m going entirely on buzz here, since I haven’t seen any of these movies. The three I’ve heard of are No End in Sight, about Iraq; Sicko, Michael Moore’s critique of the U.S. healthcare system; and Taxi to the Dark Side, about the United States’ mistreatment of prisoners of war. Of the three, I think No End in Sight has received the best overall press (it has a whopping score of 89 on Metacritic), and after Moore’s antics three years ago, I doubt voters want him back on the stage.

Should win: Not nearly as important as …

Should NOT win: Obviously, I haven’t seen Sicko, and it’s entirely possible that it’s a perfectly respectable, well-made documentary. (I kind of doubt it, but it’s possible.) But I will never root for Michael Moore to win anything in his life. His self-aggrandizing speech at the Oscars three years ago, when he won for Fahrenheit 911, solidified his standing as the most obnoxious, egotistical prick working in cinema today. What an asshole.

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