Best Makeup
Norbit* – Rick Baker, Kazuhiro Tsuji
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End – Ve Neill, Martin Samuel
La Vie en Rose – Didier Lavergne, Jan Archibald
Will win: Now here’s a trio you don’t see every day: a supposedly moronic Eddie Murphy comedy, a mega-successful action blockbuster, and an ingratiating French biopic. Not exactly Tinker to Evers to Chance. Anyway, biopics have an inherent advantage in the makeup category. Since their subject is a concrete, identifiable person, the biopic’s goal is to create not a new character but a likeness. I don’t know what the real Edith Piaf looked like, but I imagine some voters do, and even if they don’t, the transformation of Marion Cotillard’s appearance is so traumatic that it’s easy to just assume it’s a result of impressive makeup. Throw in that everyone hated Norbit and that At World’s End is just too damn likable to win an Oscar, and La Vie en Rose takes it. Read More