Oscars Analysis 2010: Nomination Prediction Results
When predicting this year’s Oscar nominations, I suggested that it was highly unlikely that I would do as well as I did last year, when I correctly pegged 40 of the 45 main nominations. And – in what amounts to a twist here at the Manifesto – I was right. I did not do as well as I did last year.
I did better.
Forgive me, but I need to gloat for a bit. I mean, come on, how else am I supposed to celebrate a performance that will (a) earn me no money, (b) generate no job opportunities, and (c) fail to even incrementally increase my odds of getting laid? You don’t have to tell me that my primary passion in life – obsessively following the Oscars – is ultimately meaningless. I know. But if I had a reason for doing this, it wouldn’t be a passion. (There’s an infinitesimal percentage of the population to whom that last sentence makes sense. We’re all unemployed and single.)
Anyway, the hell with the meaning of this exercise. I rocked. I correctly forecast 41 of 45 nominations this year. That comes out to 91%, which is higher than Steve Nash’s career free-throw percentage. I will forever be thoroughly, disproportionately proud of myself as a result. Read More