Oscars Analysis 2010: The big techies
The following four categories can be considered “technical” awards only in the purist sense of the word. True, each field in this quartet involves a highly specific area of filmmaking and thus requires the wielding of precise, technological skill. But to label these disciplines “technical” is to diminish their significance, as it is in these areas where movies can truly distinguish themselves as extraordinary. Moreover, a film’s success (or failure) in any of these categories can dramatically affect even casual viewers’ opinions, be it consciously or otherwise.
Put more bluntly, these categories matter. Just keep that in mind the next time you hear some Oscar nut raving about Roger Deakins’ unlucky streak and think I’m he’s out of his mind.
Black Swan – Matthew Libatique
Inception – Wally Pfister
The King’s Speech – Danny Cohen
The Social Network – Jeff Cronenweth
True Grit – Roger Deakins Read More